Guiding You to Work that FIts

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Last week I was contacted by a woman hoping to learn more about what I might do to help her husband. She sincerely wanted to help him get some direction for his career and work-life and wanted some details. I thought my response to her might help answer some of the questions many people have for me when trying to decide whether to work with me. They may also help you.

Dear _______,

I responded to your career coaching questions yesterday, but I don't feel like I did a good job explaining myself or my process.

Although I have certain things I do with every Career client, my services are tailored to each client's needs. It's not a superficial process because I want to deliver useful and applicable help that each client can use for a lifetime.

That's why I call myself a Coach - I'm committed to helping clients take steps toward a work-life that truly fits how that person is wired and what they want from life.

To that end, please find attached a general summary of my services for adults making a career transition. You can also find it HERE in a brief form on my website. You'll find it’s divided into two categories - Information Gathering and Implementation. With your husband we would certainly do all of the first category but the Implementation would be tailored to his needs. That's why the cost varies.

Working with me is an investment in yourself. Although we focus primarily on vocation, it has implications for work, relationships, family life and more. To that end, I routinely meet with clients and their spouses or students and their parents to discuss what we find in the Information Gathering stage. I clearly see how the information has the power to impact every aspect of a client’s life, not only their career path.

Regarding your husband: It's often true that men have a harder time when they struggle with their work. Their sense of self (identity) can take a hard hit when they can't figure out what they should be doing in the work world.

I've worked with hundreds of men in your husband's situation (as far as I understand it). My work is focused on helping my clients by giving them solid, objective truth from which to understand what job tasks and work environments will best fit them and then coach them through a process to get to their goals in a way that fits them. At its core it's actually an Identity Rebuilding process.

To answer your questions...

1) No, I'm not covered by insurance. Because of this I work with clients to determine how best to structure paying my fee in a way that fits their budget.

2) There isn't a typical cost, except for high school and college students simply trying to figure out a college major. I offer this as a package. But, for adults seeking a career transition the cost will vary depending on what the client and I determine is the best fit for their needs.

3) The number of meetings varies. I typically meet 6-7 times with students, but may meet with adults 10-16 times. Again, the cost will vary based on what the client and I determine she or he needs. The only additional fee would be if I write a resume' for a client, and that's a flat $150, but I also often waive that fee.

4) I can meet in-person or virtually and typically have a mix of both types of clients (especially since the pandemic).

5) Tell your husband to meet with me before he makes a decision. Most people are surprised to find that I'm down to earth, straightforward and invested in their future. This initial meeting is something I gladly provide free of charge and is often the deciding factor for persons with questions about working with me.

6) You didn't ask but I'm glad to share the names and numbers of some real clients who could tell you about their experience with me. I'm an open book.

Again, I'd encourage you to meet with me and/or you and your husband meet with me before you make a decision.

My Best Regards,

Dr. Jim

James Bailey