The Christmas Story, a New Year, and New Starts
whatever your circumstances or station in life, there is good reason to hope for more and better in the days to come
It's a bit risky in our politically correct times for a professional to wish current and potential clients a "Merry Christmas", but that is exactly what I hope for anyone who stumbles across this blog.
The one idea that permeates the Christmas Story is the possibility of Hope: Hope for new beginnings, hope for new and restored relationships, hope for some bit of happiness that may have eluded us. Regardless of whether you believe the story or not, its core idea that the entity behind our beautiful created world so longed for relationship with us that he entered the world as a vulnerable baby has a lot to say about the value of your life and the possibilities that it has to offer.
Anyone who comes to this website has some level of longing for those things. You want to know that your life has meaning, significance, and the realization of possibilities that may currently elude you. You may even need some tangible bit of hope that a new start, a new way of understanding your life, and the chance for you to experience previously unknown and unseen possibilities awaits you. These very longings were at the core of my beginning my career and business coaching practice - the possibility of NEW and BETTER.
SO, regardless of your beliefs or your previous (and possibly painful) experiences with the holiday season, it's my sincere wish that a message of hope for you and your life breaks through the rush, tension and general craziness of the season, and that you hear a very personal and tangible voice whispering the truth that "whatever your circumstances or station in life, there is good reason to hope for more and better in days to come."
So, my best wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a very good New Year!
Dr. Jim